I made more pizza tonight.  

Posted by Mike in , , , , ,

All made with the same pizza dough as last time.

Kielbasa and egg:

Grilled pizza with garlic, olive oil, basil, tomato, a little remaining chicken and some cheese:

Grilled chicken and bell peppers on a barbecue sauce base:

The remaining grilled chicken and kielbasa with a traditional tomato pizza sauce and mozzarella:

Group shot:

This entry was posted on Thursday, October 15, 2009 at Thursday, October 15, 2009 and is filed under , , , , , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


How good did the egg one come out?

October 17, 2009 at 1:56 PM

Pretty good, actually. The egg was a little overcooked, but that's just an issue of working out the timing a little better. Basically you cook the pizza for approx. half the total time, then pull it out, make a little dent in the middle and crack the egg in that. Then you stick it back in for the rest of the time.

October 17, 2009 at 4:02 PM

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