From Asparagus to Zucchini Penne  

Posted by Matt

2 lbs asparagus
2 large zucchini
4 cloves garlic
4 oz block Parmesan
6 oz greek yogurt
1 box penne pasta
2 chicken breast
fresh dill, thyme, and sage
salt and pepper

There were very few ingredients in this. It came out tasting similar to my mom's beef stroganoff. I think it was just the combination of the greek yogurt and dill with the saltier meat and veggies.

I started a large pot to boil the penne with some salt water. I cubed and seasoned the chicken with salt and pepper and cooked in some vegetable oil until it was brown. I then added the asparagus which I diced up into 1 inch long strips. (Warning, 2 lbs of asparagus plus the chicken and zucchini are a lot of food; use a very large pan). Then I added the garlic, and the zucchini which I also cut into 1 inch long wedges. Except for the chicken all the other items ended up having the same basic size and shape.

Once the pasta was done, and the veggies steamed, I drained and combined them in the big pot. From the residual heat of it all, I grated and added the Parmesan, yogurt and the finely chopped dill, thyme, and sage. I added salt and pepper to taste.
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