Roasted Fennel Pasta and Roasted Chard Salad.  

Posted by Matt

 So you know it is getting nice here in Portland when my pictures of dinner are taken when the sun is still up and out.

I am lazy here so I am just going to link the two recipes I used for these dishes.

Mom, you will be happy to note this has sundried tomatoes. Also, I used left over feta from the other recipe instead of Parmesan. I would also like to try this recipe with clams or mussels, or some combination of roasted fennel, tomatoes and mussels. And no one should be put off by fennel for a fear of black licorices flavor. Fennel, especially roasted is way mild.

This is the other recipe. It takes a bit of time to roast everything, but with plenty of feta and some lemon juice on top at the end, it is remarkably good. See, I just remarked on how good it was. I might have crowded the baking sheet, since I doubled the recipe, but I found it difficult to get the chard to crisp up instead of wilting and sticking to the sheet.

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