Black Bean and Corn Salsa on Chicken Soft Taco  

Posted by Matt in ,

So I made a salsa. And it turned out great. I then used it to make things. Here is one of those things.

The salsa was really easy. Mostly I had some ingredients that I wanted to use up.

2 Corn, roasted and shaved
1 can black beans Black Beans, rinsed
1 pint Pico de Gallo
1 Chipotle pepper, chopped fine

I roasted the corn again, like I've done before; husk, rub with a pad of butter, hold and slowly rotate over open flame burner.
I then mixed it up with a thing of Pico de Gallo salsa. I though about making it all from scratch but that would have cost a considerable amount. I added the rinsed black beans, and a single chipotle pepper that I diced up real fine.

For the rest of this meal, I pan fried some chicken tenders with salt, pepper, and cumin, and added some Colby cheese. So simple and delicious.
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The Soup Stew Challenge: Green Chile Chicken Stew with Home Made Fry Bread  

Posted by Mike in , , , , ,

Alright, I decided to take Stew up on his challenge (and finally get around to posting something again) and make a nice stew.

The recipe I used was originally intended for pork, but we had a bunch of chicken around so here we are.

1/2 cup all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon ground black pepper
1/2 teaspoon ground cumin
1 (3 pound) boneless pork shoulder roast
, trimmed of excess fat and cut into 1
-inch cubes
2 tablespoons olive oil, or more if needed
1 large onion, chopped
3 cloves garlic, minced
2 cups chopped fresh tomatillos
1 (7 ounce) can diced green chiles,
2 fresh jalapeno peppers, seeded and
2 teaspoons dried marjoram
1/2 cup chopped fresh cilantro
1 cup water

You start by combining the first four dry ingredients and then tossing the cubed meat in the powder to coat. Then you brown all the meat in the pot in some olive oil at medium-high, and remove it to a container to be kept warm while you brown the onions in a little more oil in the same pot, at medium heat. Once those start to wilt you dump in all the other ingredients, cut the temp to low, and simmer everything for around an hour - stirring occasionally.

The fry bread is even more straight-forward than that is.

3-4 cups of flour
3 teaspoons of baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
3 tablespoons sugar
1 cup water1/2 cup milk

First, as always, combine all the dry ingredients and then add in the wet ones. Give it a light knead.. The dough should be relatively soft but dry enough to be handled. Add a little extra flour if you need to. Then just portion it out however you want, flatten it into discs, and fry it about a quarter of an inch of preheated oil until both sides are golden.