BJ's Restaurant Brewhouse  

Posted by Jeremy in , , , , ,

Hey, why wouldn't I post a restaurant review? Don't have an answer do ya shithead? Shaddap. I'll make it quick.

We've hit this place a couple times. They have killer deep dish pizza, made so because of its thick, soft, and flaky crust. They do these baked potatoes...wait for an entree! WTF? They're huge. Amber ordered one once and then, true story, brought a 747 screaming down into the parking lot with her new found gravitational pull. Also, something happened with the tides, but I don't remember. It was on the news, look it up.

Other super notable thing about the place is its house made sodas. They do a root beer, black cherry, and orange cream. I am particularly fond of the black cherry, iz sour. So there you go, that didn't hurt, did it? Ring the bell!

This entry was posted on Monday, July 6, 2009 at Monday, July 06, 2009 and is filed under , , , , , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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