Posted by Jeremy in , ,

So it's pizza you bastards want, is it? Fine, I'll play ball. Mike probably wins as crust goes, I just used one of those cheapo pre-mixed bags. I topped that with a pizza sauce from scratch: 6 oz tomato paste, 6 oz water, parmesan, minced garlic, fresh basil, oregano, marjoram, salt, red pepper flake, black pepper, and sugar. Then it got colby and cheddar cheese, caramelized onions, bacon, spinach, a whole heapin helpin of fresh roasted chicken, a little more parmesan, and green onion. It was good. It would have been great, but the crust kinda sucked.

This entry was posted on Saturday, October 17, 2009 at Saturday, October 17, 2009 and is filed under , , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


I've never even seen a prepackaged pizza dough mix.

Perhaps we should combine our powers at some point, and form MECHA-PIZZA.

October 17, 2009 at 4:13 PM

No, we shouldn't. We, we can't....but, but....we MUST!

October 18, 2009 at 2:18 PM

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