I am posting another pulled pork dinner I made even though the pork portion isn't too different than other times I've done this. The big thing I want to save here is the vinegar coleslaw. It was cheap, easy and really good. But first the pork variation that I pulled from my friend Ross.
So I seasoned the pork as normal, except in the crockpot I left out the wet ingredients like soy sauce and vinegar and let it sit instead on a bed of a half of an onion, chopped. I let it cook up for 8-10 hours on high until it was all tender. By the time it was done, many of the juices had seeped out. I pulled the pork from the liquid, put it in a hot skillet, pulled it, and let it get crispy in a few bits. I then used the remaining sauce from the crockpot to deglaze the pan along with some cider vinegar (apple juice would work well, too). Most of the liquid reduced down and left the mess very sticky and perfectly shredded.
Now to the coleslaw
1/2 head small purple cabbage
1/2 onion
4 whole carrots
1 head bok choy
1 cup apple cider vinegar
5 Tbls white sugar
1 Tbls black pepper
1 tsp salt
1 tsp cumin
1 tsp cayenne
1 tsp paprika
1 tsp rosemary
I started off shredding the cabbage, carrots and boy chow into thin strips, and sliced up the onion to match the size of the other vegetables. I put it all in tupperware, and added the rest of the ingredients. The seasonings there may or may not have made much of a difference. I was mostly just aiming for an approximate flavor profile as the pork. Any spices you want could probably work. I put the top on the tupperware, gave it a good shake, and then let it sit in the refrigerator for about 4 hours, giving it a shake every hour or so to keep it coated. Then it was ready to serve.
Knowing veggies, you might want to adjust the amount of sugar and salt and vinegar depending on how much you get from the veggies. Also, after I let it sit overnight, the coleslaw was even better. Still really crisp and sweet and tangy. Good stuff.