Chipotle Chicken Sausage with a Feta-Arugula Salad, with Mashed Potatoes, and Spicy Broccolli and Onions  

Posted by Matt

Three things here. All very easy to make.

Package of Chipotle Chicken Sausage
1 bunch Arugula
1/2 cup chopped parsley
4oz crumbled feta
1 Tbsp olive oil
1 Tbsp balsamic vinegar
salt and pepper
1 package hoagies

I fried up the sausages. Cleaned and chopped the greens, put in a tupperware container, added the rest, and shook to mix. Topped on a whole wheat hoagie

Mashed Potatoes:
2-3 pounds red potatoes
4 cloves sauteed garlic
6 oz, sour cream
1 bunch green onions, chopped
salt and pepper

I chopped and boiled the potatoes while sauteing the garlic. Once cooked and drained, I mixed in the other ingredients and stirred until creamy.

1 pound broccoli, chopped
1 onion, sliced
4 cloves garlic, chopped
4Tbsn soy sauce
1 Tbsp sweet and hot chilli paste (or siracha)

I sauteed the onions in a little oil, until soft, added the garlic, then the broccoli. I then added the soy sauce and chili. Once the liquid cooked off, they were about done.
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