Berry Burger  

Posted by Matt in , ,

Another burger for ya. In the meat section you will find Romano and Gouda cheeses mixed into the meat itself. A healthy portion of cheese that is. The burger itself was flame broiled over charcoal which we finally got going after some vigorous fanning action. While the burger was on the grill I dashed on some Worcestershire sauce and salt and pepper.
That meat was topped with a crushed raspberry and blueberry mixture and lettuce.
On first burger (this one was the second) I mixed the berries right into the meat. This however made the meat too wet. I was afraid that when I placed it on the grill it would just drip through the grate. But with some careful flipping, I kept it in tact. The taste of the berries didn't really come through, and that is why I made the second one.

This entry was posted on Tuesday, September 2, 2008 at Tuesday, September 02, 2008 and is filed under , , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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