Spicy Sweet chicken and vegitables  

Posted by Matt

Hoah, this was good. I need to make it again soon.

1 chicken breasts
red bell pepper
1 carrot stick
2 inch ginger root
3 large radishes
1 can coconut milk
2 Tbsp Thai chili paste
Sweet chili sauce
jasmine rice

So Michelle's friend gave her some awesome sweet chili sauce and I was told to use it if I could. I did. The Jazmin rice was solid. I made it using less water and a shorter cooking time then normal so it was a bit more firm. For the veggies, I chopped up the bell pepper, broccoli, onion and radish. I grated the carrot and the ginger and put it all in a pot. I cooked it up in the coconut milk until it was all tender. This part was mostly pretty bland. Next time I might steam the veggies and add condensed coconut milk at the end. The real prize of this dish was the chicken. In a saute pan, I started cooking up the chicken with some Thai chili paste. The paste had enough oil to help the chicken fry. Once it was cooked, I chopped it up, and put it back in the pan but without heat. I then added a couple spoonfuls of the sweet chili sauce. It made the chicken into this awesome candied spicy little treats.
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This entry was posted on Sunday, November 14, 2010 at Sunday, November 14, 2010 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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