Mole Bean Dip  

Posted by Matt

This bean dip was so good that it was eaten all gone before I got a chance to take a picture. This is what's left.

It is extremely easy to make. Four ingredients plus salt.

Large can of refried beans
2 chipotle peppers in adobo sauce, with a few spoon fulls of extra sauce
1/4 of a 3 oz bar of 80% or more dark chocolate
tspn cumin

After chopping up the peppers, I added them to a medium pot with the beans and chiptole and heated until it was warm and soft. In a microwave safe bowl, I melted the chocolate (I found 4 minutes on 40% power does well). Then I poured the chocolate in slowly, mixing the beans up and tasting until it tasted good. The smokey spice from the adobo and the darkness of the chocolate are wonderful together.
I would also recommend trying different ways of adding the chocolate. The way I make it, I melt half the bar and end up pouring 1/4 into the beans. The other quarter stays stuck in the bowl and gets washed out. Seems like a waste. The chocolate might just melt into hot beans, but I haven't tried that yet.
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