English Muffin French Toast with Cardamom Lemmon Glaze.  

Posted by Matt

 A solid breakfast right here.

English Muffins
2 eggs,
1 juiced and zested lemon
1/2 tspn cardamom
1/2 to 1 1/2 cups powdered sugar
chopped hazelnuts.

I made the english muffin french toast, by splitting the muffin the night before and letting them sit out to get stale. This extra bite helps them absorb the egg and stay crispy and full of nooks and cranies when they are cooked.

For the glaze, I zested the lemon, then juiced it all out. I add the cardamom, and started mixing in the powdered sugar at about a large Tablespoon at a time, stirring until it was dissolved before adding more. I kept this up until it was thick, which took longer than I had expected.

Finally I just topped it all off with some hazelnuts to be fancy. Quite perfect.

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